Be a Clinician,
not an Administrator.

We provide office management solutions for behavioral health practitioners.

Be a clinician, not an administrator

Best Practices can help you realize your goals…

You started your practice with a deep passion for helping your community, driven by the desire to make a meaningful difference while securing a good life for yourself and your family. You envisioned a practice where you could dictate your own schedule and income, truly focusing on what matters most—caring for your patients.

However, the reality of managing a behavioral health practice soon expanded your role beyond what you imagined. Suddenly, you found yourself juggling duties as a bookkeeper, receptionist, billing clerk, marketer, collections agent, HIPAA specialist, IT engineer, and overall practice manager. These mounting responsibilities can stifle your practice’s growth and impact your personal well-being.

At Best Practices, we understand the challenges you face. We lift the weight of these administrative tasks off your shoulders, allowing you to return to what you love—transforming lives through therapy. Our expert team handles the complexities of office management so you can focus on patient care without the stress of back-office duties.

Join the many therapists who have chosen Best Practices and rediscover the joy and freedom of your profession. Let us help you manage your practice efficiently so that you can live the professional life you always envisioned.

Therapists rely on Best Practices to stay organized and get more done. Find out why.

What our clients are saying

  • "The best thing is that, while my phone never rings anymore, I never miss a call or the opportunity of scheduling a new client. Best Practices handles everything. My clients now show up as scheduled and pay the correct amounts. I seldom have a “no-show” or an unfilled session slot. Claims are processed quicker than ever and with no headaches for me. Dave and his group have made a substantive, positive difference in my daily life. Amazing!"

    Dennis S., LCSW
    Dennis S., LCSW